
Ubiquiti UNVR Pro stacking has made it to GA

Multiple UNVR Pro devices can now be combined together to improve device storage and resilience

Today, after around 2 months in beta Ubiquiti has finally made it possible to stack two UNVR Pro devices together. This will help improve device performance for more cameras and the ability to hold much more storage.

For very large deployments, some users in the past have resorted to have multiple UNVR devices on one site which can create multiple issues with having your cameras split between two different user interfaces, which can be cumbersome. UNVR stacking aims to remove that complication, as there is a parent UNVR and a child UNVR and the main device controls the GUI.

Currently, UNVR stacking is only compatible with the UNVR Pro, although in the announcement post Ubiquiti has said that support for the standard UNVR is planned. Also stacking is only supported on two devices, again support for more is something Ubiquiti has planned.


There are a couple of requirements. You do need to have two UNVR Pro devices running UniFi OS 2.5.11 or later, which was also released today. UniFi Protect needs to be running 2.1.2 or later. The parent UNVR Pro needs to be already setup and the child device needs to be factory reset and ready to setup.


This is a much requested feature that we are very happy Ubiquiti has finally released. This should really help those users and MSPs that manage UniFi Protect and make it work in much more dense environments with more cameras and much more video history.



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