
UniFi AP 6.2.49 released for all devices

Ubiquiti has released 6.2.49 for all UniFi AP models

This week, Ubiquiti has released UniFi AP firmware 6.2.49 for all devices, excluding the obsolete Gen1 APs which were classed as so last year. Gen6 APs (U6 Mesh, U6 Pro, U6 IW, U6 Enterprise, U6 Extender and U6 Enterprise IW) were given access to this update earlier this week, but as of yesterday all current and supported access point models are now eligible to get this update via the GA (General Access) channels.

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As far as updates go, this release is a generally small one but does address a number of issues that can affect the overall experience of using a UniFi AP. For example, this release addresses an issue which would see APs cycling between 'Getting Ready' and 'Online' continuously when Lock to AP is in-use and any AP goes down, which would then in turn result in clients on those APs being disconnected.

Also addressed is the IPv6 inform address resolution, which wasn't working in the past.

UniFi AP 6.2.49 is available now and the full release notes can be found over on


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