
How to install UISP Controller on Ubuntu

Learn how to install the UISP Controller on Ubuntu

To install the UISP Controller on Debian, follow the steps below.

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Unlike the UniFi Controller, which can be run on Windows, macOS and Linux - UISP is a much newer application and Ubiquiti decided to only make it compatible with Linux. Ubiquiti recommends using VirtualBox to run UISP on Windows and macOS.


UISP needs to be run on either Ubuntu or Debian and has some specification requirements to ensure smooth performance. You need:

  • 4GB RAM minimum
  • 16GB fast SSD storage
  • 64-bit CPU with a minimum of two-cores

For the network side of things, four ports need to be open:

  • 80 (Let’s Encrypt certificate automation)
  • 81 (Suspension page)
  • 443 (UI, API, Devices connector)
  • 8089 (Local Web Interface Remote Access)

It is recommended, but not strictly required to use a public IP Address and FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). i.e for example. If you are only using UISP to monitor network devices in an internal network, then this is fine. However, once you start adding devices outside of your network and using CRM, so customers can access it to pay bills etc, then it is recommended to have it publicly facing.

Installing the software

If you are running an up to date version of Ubuntu, then the installation process is fairly simple. Simply run this command below and UISP will go ahead and install itself.

curl -fsSL > /tmp/ && sudo bash /tmp/

Set Up the UISP Controller

Once the UISP controller has been installed, you can access the UISP setup wizard in your browser at https://<ip or hostname>. Ubiquiti recommends not to use localhost to access the UISP controller.

That's it! You should now have the UISP Controller installed and running on your Ubuntu device.


HostiFi provides hosting for both Ubiquiti and TP-Link software-defined-networking (SDN) applications, with servers for UniFi, UISP and Omada. We also offer network consulting, with HostiFi Pro.

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