
Updates from the HostiFi team

How to stream a UniFi Protect RTSP feed to WordPress

How to stream a RTSP UniFi Protect camera feed to WordPress

March 4, 2024

UISP Switch Revisited (2024)

We take another look at the UISP Switch, as it now features a GUI

February 28, 2024

The HostiFi Device Discovery Tool mobile app is now available

Our new HostiFi Device Discovery Tool mobile app is now out for iOS and Android

February 19, 2024

We've updated 2,682 UniFi servers to version 8.0.26

All servers have now been updated to 8.0.26

January 24, 2024

Upcoming changes to Ubiquiti 2FA

Ubiquiti proposes changes to its 2FA system and will be mandating it from July

January 23, 2024

Ubiquiti introduces the U7-Pro, its first 802.11be AP

The U7 Pro is now available from Ubiquiti

January 12, 2024

New UK-Ultra UniFi AP now available from Ubiquiti

New AP is flexible, supporting external antennas and can be used indoor and outdoor

January 4, 2024

Why does Ubiquiti use 24v passive PoE?

Ubiquiti has used and still does use 24v passive PoE in a lot of its devices, but why do they?

January 3, 2024

Introducing the HostiFi Device Discovery Tool

The direct replacement for the Ubiquiti Discovery Tool

December 19, 2023

New UXG-Lite now available, and it works with HostiFi!

The new USG 3P replacement is here, learn about the new UXG-Lite from Ubiquiti

November 25, 2023

Ubiquiti releases UniFi 7.5.187 with support for PPSK

UniFi 7.5.187 adds support for PPSK and new WiFi-only dashboard

October 18, 2023

UniFi 7.5.176 is now available for HostiFi customers

Ubiquiti has released UniFi 7.5.176

September 26, 2023

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Providing super valuable information to keep the community in the know. Awesome links page, Thank You.

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